Khushi and Arnav came back home. Kids were already having a party gathering their neighborhood friends. They were all enjoying food and party games. Meera and Tej came running towards Arnav and Khushi and started pulling them into their games. Tej wanted Arnav to be with him and pestered him to play. As usual Arnav looked little nervous playing with the kids. He looked around and was surprised to see kids engrossed in painting and drawing.
“Khushi buwa, We are playing portray your partner!” Meera said excitedly.
“What?” Khushi asked.
“Khushi buwa.. look. I painted Tej. He was my partner. Look!” She showed her painting to them and both of them burst out laughing. She had drawn monkey face and given the name Tej! Tej came forward sulkily and showed his painting. He had drawn a big circle with tiny three circles in place of eyes and lips with black ponies in place of ears. He had doodled colorfully for the background. Khushi wondered at his drawing skills at the age of three. She looked into the other paintings also. She wondered at the kids imaginations.
“Uncle!” Tej was pulling him with a canvas and brushes in his hand. “This is your paper. Now you paint khushi buwa.. and she will paint you…” He said giggling. Both of them looked at each other and immediately looking away said, “No. I cannot !”
“No way! You cannot escape from this. Look at us! These kids have put us to work!” came a mild voice from behind and both of them looked back startled. Mummiji and Elsa were busy with paper, colors and brushes. Mummiji had painted the landscape of Robindro lake and one single big tall green tree with a dark and plesent shadow below. She had drawn a bench in the shadow. “He is like a tree giving cool shadow no matter who takes the shelter under the tree..” She said dreamily.
Elsa had drawn a cliff hanger with a person rappelling reaching almost at the top. “Raj relentlessly endeavors to be at the top.. no matter how many times he has to try…!” Said Elsa.
“And now… you have exactly one hour to complete your picture of your partner and your time starts now!” Screamed Meera. Arnav and Khushi reluctantly took their positions opposite each other with drawing board, canvas, colors and brushes.
After one hour… The kids had already finished the party and were eagerly waiting for both of them to complete their paintings. Arnav and Khushi looked like they have painted themselves rather than painting on the canvas … Arnav looked at Khushi who had all brown and red color smeared on her face and Arnav looked like a blue-green jackal in the kids story… they both laughed at each other. And exchanged the paintings.
Both of them were speechless looking at the paintings.
“Khushi… you are like the monsoon sky showering life and happiness, on the thirsty earth making her rejoice with life and passion... Waiting for you Khushi… You are my life.” Thought Arnav handing over his painting to her.
“Arnavji, you are the loner, storm struck, thirsty and waiting for the blessings from God, though you deny it. But some day reality will dawn and you will be full of life, joy and happiness… Believe me Arnavji, I will do anything to bring you back into this beautiful world. “ Khushi swallowed hard looking away.

Arnav and Khushi were lost in gazing at each other’s pictures. Khushi had tears in her eyes. They did not notice papaji entering the hall. They all gathered around him showing each one’s creations. Papaji took them out for dinner. When they came back, papaji said goodnight to everyone and said “Arnav puttar, I would like to talk to you before you go to bed.” Arnav nodded. Khushi looked at Arnav stretching her hand to take the painting from his hand. He moved closer. “Khushi, you owe me a goodnight kiss…!” he whispered looking at her. She looked at him blushing and looking around hurriedly went to her room.
She kept waiting for him but he did not turn up for a long time. She dozed off waiting for him.
Papaji and Arnav were to leave early morning for their busiess Trip to Nanded where the acquisition of Sahakaar spinning mill was to take place. Khushi got up early and came to hall. Papaji was already ready to leave. She looked around for Arnav. He entered the hall looking like a sleep-deprived person. He did not look at her at all, nor wished her. She was puzzled.
“Arnavji…” She called him out but he completely ignored her. He looked like a complete stranger to her. She got nervous. She looked at papaji questioningly, but he looked grave. Arnav resolutely looked away. She was not ready to give up.
“Arnavji… what happened?” she asked concerned.
“I think we should leave now…” He said to papaji ignoring her.
Without looking at her he left with papaji. She ran towards the main door leaning against it she looked at him opening the car door. He paused for a second and turned around and came nearer. She gave him a broad smile but he did not respond.
“You go and meet Mr. Banerjee’s mother as early as possible…” He said seriously without looking at her. “What? Stop holding on to it…Arnavji..” She said grinning… but was startled to see Arnav had already reached the car. She was puzzled. “What has happened to him? Why is he so serious?” she bemused.
She came inside and waited for Mummiji to wake up. She could not go to her room. She decided to go to mummiji’s room. She peeped into the mirror on her way to mummiji’s room and stopped dead. She kept running her hand around her neck horror struck. Her black thread was missing from her neck…..
Note: Please click on My page for the paintings....
Nooooo Arnav cannot leave our Khushi like that, even though he believes he may be doing the right thing. Where is Khushi's black thread. As always Khushifan thank you for your updates and patiently waiting for your next.....kkg fan
Where is Khushi's black thread?
And what caused the turn about in Arnav's behaviour. They were having so much fun the previous day!
Ooohhh... they are going to Nanded!
Sorry I missed last chapter, but read two chapters together...
Another superb track. Everything was so perfect. Suddenly, why has Arnav changed into ASR. Poor Khushi. What is bothering him. Hope everything is fine. Thanks and bye. Take care.
Hi Khushifan,
Another twist? What happened to Arnav? Why his behaviour changed suddenly? Lot of suspense u r creating...
Amazing track Khushifan.. Thanks.
OMG.... Now what? why Arnav ask KHUSHI to meet mrs. BANERJEE? Is that after talking to papaji....he made his mind to leave KHUSHI...AAPNE TO HAMARI HEART-BEAT BADHA DI HAI.....BTW Thank you for nice update...
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