Part 20
It was almost evening by the time Khushi Settled in her new house. She felt exhausted. She wanted to go to bed. But she did not know the schedule in the new house. She came to mammiji's room. She was sitting by the window looking out at the setting sun. Khushi went near. She could see the wide expanse of the nearby landscape. Fascinated, she exclaimed.. "What a beautiful scene!" Mummiji looked back and smiled saying "This is the view of "Shantiniketan" of Robindronath Tagore. Khushi allowed her eyes to take the beauty and to fill her heart. Mummiji said "You can visit it tomorrow morning. The Kali temple and the lake is very famous. Khushi could not take her eyes off. But the name Shantiniketan reminded her of Raizada House. Her heart ached. She could see the same pain in mammiji's eyes. She slowly sat down on the floor and put her hands on mammini's laps. Mummiji looked away. Khushi understood. She came out of the room quietly.
She had sensed some uneasy quiet in the house. There was lack on enthusiasm and some kind of sadness filled in the entire house. She sighed and came out in the sitting area. Papaji had just arrived. He asked her about her shopping. She had picked up a couple of simple dresses which suited her style and some other vanity items. Papaji then went to their room. Khushi sat there not knowing what to do.
Her mind raced backwards. She thought "My life has taken a complete turn in last 24 hours. Where was I and where am I now". She missed her home, all her people and even Raizada house. "I have to look ahead. Looking back will give only pain .. I need to focus on the life ahead" She thought.
She had dinner with the couple. Then papaji showed her the room. It was next to their room. Surprised and feeling awkward, "This room?.. I will stay in servants' quarters..." "No!" said papaji dismissing her suggestion and said "You need to take rest now. From tomorrow onwards your new life starts with a hectic schedule ahead. Now go to sleep."
She came to her room with striking reality. She was alone. She was not in the cozy environment of her home. Her jiji was not beside her. Tears rolled down. She sat on the bed and looked out the window into the starry night. She gazed at the stars for a very long time. “Arnav ji..!” her heart cried out. She sat on the bed dejected. She had never slept alone. She pulled the blanket over her head to hide her tears. “From whom?” she did not know!
She did not know what the next morning would present itself before her.
It was almost midnight and there was no call from Khushi. Payal became panic. She thought of calling Avinash but looking at the time she decided otherwise. Her cell rang with a message from some unknown number. "Khushi is alright. Do not worry. She will call you tomorrow morning. Goodnight" Payal gave a sigh of relief. But amma had never stopped crying. Payal did not know how to convey this message to her. She came out and said. "Khushi is fine. They have induction training for the short listed candidates and this may require a couple of days. They are not allowed phones." She knew she had a losing argument. Buwaji eyed her suspiciously but then decided to keep quiet.
It was late evening when ASR finished his business. He had no intentions to go home. He had received calls from Raizada house a couple of times. But he avoided receiving them and asked Aman to answer, saying he is very busy. He sat in his chair and stared again at the photograph of Khushi. He did not know how to find her out. How to track her down. He had received an email from an anonymous well-wisher. He tried replying back but the mails bounced back. He was puzzled at the same time panicked. His mind started thinking about the worst.
"Unless I find out a way to find her out, I am not going home" He sat there gazing into the starry night. He blurted.. "Khushi... where are you? " He looked away. Arnav Singh Raizada did not know how to get her back.
“What? Christ! Are you insane?” yelled Regi from the other end and ASR stood in the middle of his cabin clutching his phone to his ear.
“How could you do this ASR? You married her?” asked Regi in a ghostly voice.
“Yes” said ASR. “You didn’t even ask her…!” Regi’s rage had gone overboard. “Hell with you, ASR! How could you do this?” he yelled not knowing how to take out his anger over the phone. There was no response.
“What if she killed herself…!” Regi blurted his worst feared thoughts.
“She can’t!” Came a confident answer. “She can’t die when I am alive!” ASR said gravely. “ASR!” Regi was speechless. There was a silence for a while.
“You love her…!” he said. “Yes!” came an immediate response. Silence prevailed.
“JejusChrist! ASR! What do I do to you? Kick you, strangle you, kill you?” he again yelled. “For Christ’s sake, ASR! Go find her out!” yelled Regi feeling doomed. “I will!” came an answer.
“How?” Regi asked. “I don’t know!” ASR said pressing his other hand on his chest.
“Hell! ASR! Take a tight slap from me, ASR! You deserve more than that…!” Regi had lost his temper. ASR still stood in the middle of his cabin, alone in his office with the company of the security guard.
“You will call me only after finding her out and bringing her back into your life!” said Regi totally dejected and disconnected. ASR still stood in the middle of the room under the ceiling lamp.
It was almost midnight when the solution struck.
He came home and without having dinner went to sleep without talking or looking at anybody. The atmosphere at the Raizada house was tensed. He threw himself on the bed face down. Sleep was far away from him.
He thought, "If she does not return by tomorrow then I will have to do this. I will search to the other end of the world till I find her. And I will find her. This will be the best solution.. Why did I not think about it earlier?"
He had a plan in his mind to track her down.
It was almost evening by the time Khushi Settled in her new house. She felt exhausted. She wanted to go to bed. But she did not know the schedule in the new house. She came to mammiji's room. She was sitting by the window looking out at the setting sun. Khushi went near. She could see the wide expanse of the nearby landscape. Fascinated, she exclaimed.. "What a beautiful scene!" Mummiji looked back and smiled saying "This is the view of "Shantiniketan" of Robindronath Tagore. Khushi allowed her eyes to take the beauty and to fill her heart. Mummiji said "You can visit it tomorrow morning. The Kali temple and the lake is very famous. Khushi could not take her eyes off. But the name Shantiniketan reminded her of Raizada House. Her heart ached. She could see the same pain in mammiji's eyes. She slowly sat down on the floor and put her hands on mammini's laps. Mummiji looked away. Khushi understood. She came out of the room quietly.
She had sensed some uneasy quiet in the house. There was lack on enthusiasm and some kind of sadness filled in the entire house. She sighed and came out in the sitting area. Papaji had just arrived. He asked her about her shopping. She had picked up a couple of simple dresses which suited her style and some other vanity items. Papaji then went to their room. Khushi sat there not knowing what to do.
Her mind raced backwards. She thought "My life has taken a complete turn in last 24 hours. Where was I and where am I now". She missed her home, all her people and even Raizada house. "I have to look ahead. Looking back will give only pain .. I need to focus on the life ahead" She thought.
She had dinner with the couple. Then papaji showed her the room. It was next to their room. Surprised and feeling awkward, "This room?.. I will stay in servants' quarters..." "No!" said papaji dismissing her suggestion and said "You need to take rest now. From tomorrow onwards your new life starts with a hectic schedule ahead. Now go to sleep."
She came to her room with striking reality. She was alone. She was not in the cozy environment of her home. Her jiji was not beside her. Tears rolled down. She sat on the bed and looked out the window into the starry night. She gazed at the stars for a very long time. “Arnav ji..!” her heart cried out. She sat on the bed dejected. She had never slept alone. She pulled the blanket over her head to hide her tears. “From whom?” she did not know!
She did not know what the next morning would present itself before her.
It was almost midnight and there was no call from Khushi. Payal became panic. She thought of calling Avinash but looking at the time she decided otherwise. Her cell rang with a message from some unknown number. "Khushi is alright. Do not worry. She will call you tomorrow morning. Goodnight" Payal gave a sigh of relief. But amma had never stopped crying. Payal did not know how to convey this message to her. She came out and said. "Khushi is fine. They have induction training for the short listed candidates and this may require a couple of days. They are not allowed phones." She knew she had a losing argument. Buwaji eyed her suspiciously but then decided to keep quiet.
It was late evening when ASR finished his business. He had no intentions to go home. He had received calls from Raizada house a couple of times. But he avoided receiving them and asked Aman to answer, saying he is very busy. He sat in his chair and stared again at the photograph of Khushi. He did not know how to find her out. How to track her down. He had received an email from an anonymous well-wisher. He tried replying back but the mails bounced back. He was puzzled at the same time panicked. His mind started thinking about the worst.
"Unless I find out a way to find her out, I am not going home" He sat there gazing into the starry night. He blurted.. "Khushi... where are you? " He looked away. Arnav Singh Raizada did not know how to get her back.
“What? Christ! Are you insane?” yelled Regi from the other end and ASR stood in the middle of his cabin clutching his phone to his ear.
“How could you do this ASR? You married her?” asked Regi in a ghostly voice.
“Yes” said ASR. “You didn’t even ask her…!” Regi’s rage had gone overboard. “Hell with you, ASR! How could you do this?” he yelled not knowing how to take out his anger over the phone. There was no response.
“What if she killed herself…!” Regi blurted his worst feared thoughts.
“She can’t!” Came a confident answer. “She can’t die when I am alive!” ASR said gravely. “ASR!” Regi was speechless. There was a silence for a while.
“You love her…!” he said. “Yes!” came an immediate response. Silence prevailed.
“JejusChrist! ASR! What do I do to you? Kick you, strangle you, kill you?” he again yelled. “For Christ’s sake, ASR! Go find her out!” yelled Regi feeling doomed. “I will!” came an answer.
“How?” Regi asked. “I don’t know!” ASR said pressing his other hand on his chest.
“Hell! ASR! Take a tight slap from me, ASR! You deserve more than that…!” Regi had lost his temper. ASR still stood in the middle of his cabin, alone in his office with the company of the security guard.
“You will call me only after finding her out and bringing her back into your life!” said Regi totally dejected and disconnected. ASR still stood in the middle of the room under the ceiling lamp.
It was almost midnight when the solution struck.
He came home and without having dinner went to sleep without talking or looking at anybody. The atmosphere at the Raizada house was tensed. He threw himself on the bed face down. Sleep was far away from him.
He thought, "If she does not return by tomorrow then I will have to do this. I will search to the other end of the world till I find her. And I will find her. This will be the best solution.. Why did I not think about it earlier?"
He had a plan in his mind to track her down.
Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the delay and Thank you for your comments.
I had a bit of a sunstroke so was on the bed.
Please forgive me for not posting.
Sorry once again
hey KF that's ok. take care...i'm enjoying the journey again...keep going..
Di Hope you are fine now I knew sumthing was wrong...
Di, what is he upto now... Khushi starting a new life and Arnav finding her seems interesting...
What is the matter in papaji's life eager to know it...
Update Soon...
Love You...
Hey KF. Please take care of yourself.
Fantastic update. So Arshi are missing each other. Very interesting as to how ASR will find her now.
Thanks and take care.
"you love her...."he said."yes"
i could hear the pain in his voice.
arnav u r late
very late
Thank you for the lovely update. Arnav in so much pain.. and Regi furious with him! Khushi , he will not leave a stone unturned to look for you! You are Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada... he will find you!
Take care, KF. God bless.
Hey KF, so sorry - hope you're feeling better.. Sunstroke can really dehydrate and drain you out. Do take care. Have plenty of fluids. Thanks for the beautiful update - two souls physically apart from each other but one in their hearts. ASR will search her out I'm sure - he will not rest until he does. Khushi will certainly win over papaji and mummyji with her sweet innocent charm. Waiting to see what happens..
I am loving this... Its great :)
Please take care of your health.
KF, hope your feeling better now. Take care of your health..
She can’t!” Came a confident answer. “She can’t die when I am alive!” ASR said gravely. This brought tears into my eyes..I could feel the pain, anguish and hope at the same time..You are such a wonderful writer KF.
hope u r fine. .take rest..
Hey Khushifan hope you are feeling better.
I see you are incorporating more new scenes to your storyline, great going. ASR got an earful from Regi, served him right. I am surprised of how easilty he admitted he loved her though. It would be interesting to see Regi's point of view on this, did he know about ASR's feeling towards Khushi beforehand etc.... waiting for your next update kkg fan
I really love the edited version..luv regi's comment..nd hope u r f9 kFAN..:-)
What is it but love that makes one so sure that ur love cannot die while u r still alive? Thanks for another beautiful update
BTW, forgot to congratulate you on surpassing over 100,000 reads on myeduniya...........kkg fan
ha dear.. i guessed... dat maybe u r sick... oh dear... just tc of ur health... d update is as usual superb... ha regi.. wow after a long gap... yep asr deserved such yellings from regi.. you love her... yes... wow i loved those words...
dear.. dhaatri is also pretty interesting.. loved ur writeups altogether... tc... <3 <3
Brilliant esp asr regi conversation
KF - sorry to hear that you are not well. I like that you are adding new bits and pieces in the story.. slightly different from the one on Myedunia.. not too far though.. but totally worth reading again..
take care
Take care Khushifan..Great update..loved Regi and Arnav conv
We love your stories but your health is more important.
Loved this update and how he easily admitted he loves her. Yay - thank you for bribing back Regi!
Hi KF , please take care of your health... We will wait for your updates...pray you recover soon... I actually felt nice that you incorporated regi in 31st dec story ... Eagerly waiting for your update ....take care
Hey di,I'm back and so sorry to hear that you're unwell.GET WELL SOON!
Anyways the update is just as rocking as ever.I loved it.Eager to know what has striked his devil-like mind.
BTW di,sorry for not updating on my blog.Actually I didn't have my lappy anf faced problem in posting updates from my old P.C.But I got a new lappy and I've posted updates on both my blogs.Sorry again.
Take care.
That was nice. Wonder what Arnav has in his mind to track khushi. Will he be able to find her. I personally do t like separation. It gives me acidity and anxiety. Please don't keep them apart. I know Arnav deserves punishment for what he did but let him suffer with them together.
I am looking forward for the update.
I hope you recover well and give us more fabulous updates. Take care
Lovespell -IF
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