Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Part 2

Back in the car...

Khushi closed her eyes for a while not uttering a single word.  Avinash gave her enough time to recollect herself.  “Where?” he asked finally.  “Laxmi Nagar!” something came out of her mouth.  He looked at her.

“What was that?” he asked.  “The usual!” she answered vaguely.  “Who was that?” she looked ahead.  “Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!” she declared.  “What? Lavanya’s fiancé?” he made sure.  “Humm!” she sighed. He was confused she didn’t bother to clear his doubt.  He drove away.  “Lavanya must have requested him to drop her..!” he thought.  

“So bahatii Naak... Whats up?” he tried to cheer her up after sometime.  She smiled.  “You tell me, whats up..!” she asked back.  “I asked you first!” he said.  “Ok!” she gave up.

“How is everyone..?” he started off to catch up with the years in between.  “Ghar chalo, Pata Chalega!” she said.  “Now your turn..!” she looked at him.  “We left Lucknow after my 10th, came to Delhi.  Passed my MBBS from SN Medical college.  Went to London for a diploma and then to US for higher..! Returned last year!” He provided all the information happily.  “And Anita?” she asked remembering his wife’s name.  “Met her in London.  She is from Raipur!” he said smiling.  “And Lavanya ji?” she had a long list of questions.  “Humm.. I know her mother since my stay in US!” he said ready for the next question.  But Khushi didn’t speak up again.  She was thinking hard. 
“Umm.. Avinash? I mean... umm... Babuji is not well!” She didn’t know how to ask help in the first meeting itself.  But she couldn’t stop herself.  

“Not well? What happened?” she felt better sensing concern in his voice.  She narrated everything...!
“And Doctors say there is no improvement..?” he asked bemused.  “Avinash... I mean... I know your are a busy person... I mean you...!” she chocked.

“Stop.. stop! Ab Ghar to aa rahan hoon! Dekhungaa!” he said giving her relief. 
“Umm.. I am sorry.. I mean you must be thinking... I mean... !” she again was cut off.
“Ab itanaa hukk to banata hain...! Bahatii Naak ka!” he teased her.  She pursed her lips.  “Haan.. haan.. left  left..!” she said lifting her right hand and he laughed.  She locked her fingers sheepishly.  They were at the door.

“Nandkishore..! what is this? What are you wearing... ! and why are you so late?” Buwaji started off bombarding questions in the door itself.  “Aur yeh kaun hain?” she narrowed her eyes flaring up her nose.  He joined his hands.  

“Aap ko nahi pata..!” she made her way inside the house.  Payal looked at Khushi and the person still standing at the door.
“Jiji... can you recognise him?” she asked with her spirits lifted.  “Jiji...? Payal?” the figure at the door asked loudly.  Payal was blank.  The person at the door made his way inside too ignoring Buwaji.  He stood before Payal folding his hands.  “Who am I?” he asked grinning.  Amma came out hearing a strange voice in her house. 

“Who?” she was scared looking at the heavily built figure of Avinash.  He turned.  “Chachi ji! You haven’t changed a bit!” he complemented.  Amma too was confused.  Khushi had gone into the kitchen.  

“Yeh wohi hain, Amma... jo Hamari  mithai  churataa thaa...!” Khushi said loudly and Avinash grinned.  “Avinash Bajpai” he touched Amma’s feet.  “Jeetain raho!.. Bajpai? Dr. Bajpai’s grandson?” she asked.  He nodded smiling.  “I am a Doctor too!” A broad smile appeared on Amma’s face after a long time.  “Your Buwaji was my friend.!” She said happily.  

“Woh.. Babuji ko dekho..!” Khushi almost ordered.  Avinash ignored her.  “you still prepare those malai ki gilauri?” he asked Amma.  She nodded grinning.  “Haan..! I will prepare for you!” she said.
“Some other day, Amma! Babuji ko Dekho!” Khushi was impatient.  “Haan!” Avinash went in Babuji’s room.  Everybody followed.  Buwaji gaped with open mouth.

Khushi showed the file and prescriptions.  He tapped on Babuji’s joints, looked into his eyes!
“Hello, I am Dr. Avinash, from Lucknow... same school!” he looked at Khushi and she nodded.  There were no expressions in babuji’s face.  Tears rolled down.  Avinash looked at him intently.  “Ok!”
“If you can hear me, blink your eyes..!” Avinash said bending over.  Babuji blinked.  “Good! Blink your eyes..!” he told and Babuji blinked.  “Great! He has control over his eye movements..! That’s a good sign!” Avinash came as a ray of hope to Khushi.  

“We need to run some tests!” he said looking at Khushi and she nodded.  “You bring him to the hospital day after tomorrow ..!” he said.  “Ok!” Khushi agreed happily.  He looked around.  “Let me see his medicine chart and his medicines..!” he asked.  Khushi picked up the box and the notebook from the table.  He looked at neatly arranged tablet strips and the charts in the notebook.  

“What is this?” he picked up a strip lying at the bottom.  It wasn’t in the prescription list.  “Do you give him this?” he asked.  Payal came forward and looked at the strip.  “No!” she said.  He showed her the empty shrink wraps indicating that some tablets were consumed.  “No..!”  payal said looking confused.  “Doesn’t matter! Don’t give this.  Keep it somewhere else...not in his box!” said Avinash and Payal took the strip from him.

“Ok! Chachaji, don’t worry!” he kept his hand on Babuji’s forehead and babuji blinked.  Avinash smiled.  “Chalo Khushi.. Ab chalanaa chahiye!” he said coming out in the hall.  Buwaji was ready with mithai plate.

“Khushi’s engagement..!” she kept one piece on his palm happily.  He looked up at Khushi in surprise.  “Haan? Who is the lucky guy?” he asked grinning at her.  She looked away.
“Nandkishore! He is a great Lawyer...!” Buwaji didn’t fall short of words in praising her Sham Babua!”  Avinash nodded looking at Khushi furious face.   “Congratulations, Khushi!” he held out his hand.  “Thank you!” she said giving a dead fish handshake.  He looked up surprised but refrained from reacting.  

“He is such a nice person, he even takes care of Khushi’s babuji... they are not even married yet.. but look at his love towards this family...!” Buwaji was singing praises with a high tune. 
“Yeah.. and still his health is deteriorating..!” Avinash heard Khushi’s mutter!” 
“Hey, what is that?” he asked pointing at her forehead and she was transported to another world altogether, turning into a statue..! 

“Khushi..!” Payal nudged her smiling sheepishly at Avinash.  “Yeh Abhi Bhi, Aisi hi hain?” he asked payal grinning.  Khushi came back on earth.  Payal laughed heartily.  “Haan! Utanii hii pagal!” she said grinning.  “Jiji..!” Khushi stomped.
“Ok! Good night Khushi... and happy new year to all of you! And call me when you make those malai ki gilauri..!!” he went out of the door.  Amma smiled broadly.  

********   ********

“Khushi, yeh kahan mila?” Payal asked bewildered.  “Lavanya ji’s doctor!” she said still looking lost.  “Devi Mayya ka shukar hain!” Payal prayed.  Khushi went to change.  Buwaji had started off again about her attire, bringing stranger to house, not bothering about he wedding preparations...! Payal had stopped talking to Buwaji.  

Khushi had changed.  Payal and Amma were helpless.  “Should I tell her to just elope somewhere?” Payal had thought thousand times.  “But where will she go? She will be in more trouble!” Payal was desperate.  “Should I tell this to Aakash ji?” her heart leapt in hope.  “But if she wanted to, Khushi herself would have told someone in Raizada house!” Payal knew this wouldn’t help.  She couldn’t bear Khushi’s plight.  

That day, Khushi came home in the afternoon, completely dejected.  Payal kept on asking her.  But Khushi wouldn't tell anything.  “Jiji.. Ab Bass Shadi Karani Hain!” She had said in the night gravely. 

“Lekin Khushi.. don’t you feel its a sudden decision? You said he does not believe in rituals and all.. and now..!” Payal had asked surprised to hear the news of Lavanya’s engagement.

“I was wrong Jiji!” Khushi had dismissed.  “Kal Sagai Karani hain!” she was determined.  The engagement was a family affair.  Payal had refused to come out.  Sham and Khushi exchanged rings in presence of Buwaji.  Sham and Khushi touched elders’ feet for blessings.  “Go to the temple and come for the dinner..!” Buwaji had tears of happiness.  Khushi nodded.  She looked at the engagement ring in her finger.  “Chaliye Khushi!” Sham placed his hand on her shoulder and she repelled. 

"Buwaji.. I am tired today! Can I go tomorrow morning?" she asked in a small voice.  Buwaji understood.  "Ok!" she agreed to Khushi's relief.  "I am not well Buwaji.  I need a sound sleep!" Khushi went into her room and drew blanket over her head.  She was alone.  She was on her own to allow her mind to wander ... She had nothing left with her to cherish..! Emptiness filled her heart.  She closed her burning eyes.  Teardrops rolled down from the corner of her eyes, she went into deep slumber...! 

*********   *********  *********


Unknown said...


Thank you for your response. Please comment on this post ..

Hope you like it.

I have changed the comment settings. You can post without having to register. Please chk and let me know

Thank you once again



Anonymous said...

Hi, this is goin to sound a little crazy but I can't see any of the text! I'm not sure, it maybe that the text is in white font but I cannot see a word and therefore cannot read it. Can I make a request KF for you to change the colour of the font...pretty please? Im a huge fan and would live to continue reading your work!


Razy said...

feeling sorry for khushi. ..bechareee

Anonymous said...

hey are u... yeah i like the background but then it becomes too much when u want to read..can u please keep the background outside of the text box?? its just that it will be easy to read...thanks dear... aarti

Anonymous said...

hey forgot to say it was awsome update..hehe now i know why babuji is not getting well.bec sham is giving wrong medicine... hope to solve this mystery soon... thanks once again to allow us to join in ur journey..takecare..
speak to you soon

Suhana said...

Thank you soooooo much. I am enjoying this brilliant piece of writing. Indeed a ray of hope for babuji and of course old friend who can be trusted and relied on. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Poor Khushi, when will she get a break. Waiting to see when Arnav Sling Riazada finds out she got engaged - serves him right.....

Guess this will now be my third pass on Dec 31st:)

As always waiting for what you have next for us.....kkg fan

Sneha said...

The post is not readable Di... Pls change the background... :) even comments cannot b seen..

sskaug25 said...

Nice update. welcome avinash a hope for khushi

Iluvarshi said...

Everything is white... I cant read anything :-(

Divya said...

Hey dear cant read anything its blank like khushi's state of mind!!!


Dayavanti said...

Avinash is a ray of hope for babuji..

Arey but what happened during the phone call khushi made to arnav during the night..

Butterfly said...

Loved the update ...

bhagii said...

nice update thank you pls change theme pretty pls

sharan said...

this is better a and thankyou for the changes you made regarding the blog now its comfertable to read and post commment and thankyou for todays update

Anonymous said...

make kushi pregnant in this story.Let Arnav feel more sorry to himself

Mymind said...

Hi Khushifan.....all the best for "31st Dec night.."....wish I could do some magic to erase the memory of the previous might be impossible as I would have re-read it 2 or 3 times...I would start to relate the events there as I did for the head massage!...hope the twist and turns you are planning to bring in here overwrite my memory....

The BG here is a bit dark...and when I point the mouse pointer onto the links on the page they just merge into the background making them invisible ...just trying to help out you with the improvement and not being a fault finder...

Thankyou Khushifan......

Priya said...

Hey KF, this is d first time I am commenting....I am so happy that u r continuing 31st dec...loved it in myed and even Phantasy to Verity.....Hope this journey after the intermission would be as wonderful as OP..!!!
Best wishes,

starlight said...

Poor Khushi.. Love how you depict the torment both Khushi and Arnav are going though. It is so palpable. Two people so in love with each other and engaged to some other. The slimeball Shyam - hope he gets exposed soon. Great update, KF.. Can't wait for the next update :) Dr. Avinash has sown the seeds for Khushi to find out that Shyam has been tampering with Babuji's medication..

Iluvarshi said...

Thanx for the background di '!!!!

Khushi called arnav the same night ?? What abt that ?

Iluvarshi said...

Also still have to register for commenting

lakshmi said...

KF i was abt to ask, illuvarshi asked. What abt the phone call??

Anonymous said...

Thank u sooooooo much for they updates..anywayssss. Ur not stopped writing.thats what matters

smisham said...

U r good, already I feel im reading a new story that is in continuity with opp poles

DK said...

KF - good update. A small suggestion. the story is going back and forth. The story was going on 31st December night, then suddenly goes back to engagement that happened few days/weeks ago. I think it will help a little if you transition this through tagging the timeline in the story.

Applecut said...

Thank you KF. My first story of your's was OP. Op would be close to my heart.And next this new 31st dec. Want to read others story by upcuming days. You are a brilliant writer, how you linked both OP and 31st dec Liked this update. Feel for khushi. Hope Avinash gives ray of lights to babuji health and family. Eagerly waiting for next.

kalaiselvisblog said...

wow dear... ha just loved avinash... new year has brought a new ray of hope to them... lets see... oh poor khushi.. so broken...

dear thank u so much 4 changing dat comment section...luv u...

Anonymous said...

Great, love the intro of Avinash, really glad he noticed her behaviour when buaji mentioned Shyam and the engagement. Hope she will confide in him. Poor khushi, really felt for her at the end, how many people sacrifice their happiness for others?


Anonymous said...

What about the phone call???